Fresh water policy


The National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, simply known as the Freshwater Policy provides local authorities with updated direction on managing freshwater, including but not limited to stock exclusion regulations and the synthetic nitrogen fertiliser cap (N-cap). Farmlands has an experienced team of Technical Field Officers and Agronomists who are able to work with you to tailor specific solutions to your FWP requirements, such as sowing catch crops to assist with possible nitrogen leaching. For solutions from our partners, view our Environmental Consultants.

Understand what the new policy means for you.




Nitrogen Cap

Donaghys N-Boost

Double the pasture response of 40kg of Urea

Significantly reduce the cost of dry matter production

Expect to reduce nitrate leaching by about 15%

Increase crop yields

Click here to learn more


Nitrogen cap

Agricom Ecotain

Huge reduction in N leaching from the urine patch - up to 89% depending on sward blend*

Ecotain(r) is a natural, environmentally friendly forage solution and it is the only product currently proven to reduce nitrate leaching as modelled by Overseer

Increases feed quality and/or supply during summer and autumn

Improves speed of sward recovery after summer dry

Improves cool season activity of pasture base

An ideal source of minerals for animal health and performance

Click here to learn more 

  Agricom Ecotain

Nitrogen Cap


A plant growth regulator for pasture that provides a rapid increase in pasture growth rate and dry matter production.

Boost pasture dry matter yield in ryegrass and clover pastures by 30-60% within three weeks of application.

Proven and extensively tested with over four years of national trials and farm studies.

Manage feed supply in cooler months such as spring and autumn

Click here to learn more





Farmlands Stock Water Reticulation Design Service

Farmlands is collaborating with leading manufacturers to deliver practical stock water

systems for our shareholders. With best-in-class design and guidance from start to finish,

Farmlands will provide each shareholder with a solution that fits their farm's specific needs.

Click here to learn more



Visit your local Farmlands store or talk to your local TFO for how we can help with inputs on farm.






Click the below links to learn more:

Government Policy Announcements

Low Slope Map

Beef & Lamb Fact Sheet

Dairy NZ Summary